Useful tags to know

Among the many tags that SPIP contains by default, some are used frequently enough to deserve special mention here.

Name Description
Checks authorisations
Defines the duration of the cache
Retrieves the path to a file
Returns the site’s description
Edits content (using the "crayons" plugin)
Retrieves an environment variable’s value
Evaluates an expression using PHP
Emphasises the element currently being read (in a list or menu)
Retrieves a value stored with a #SET
Includes a template
Tag for inserting scripts into the HTML <head> section for SPIP or its plugins
CSS insertion tag within the HTML <head> section for plugins
Displays an introduction
Finds out the language code
Returns the writing direction
Displays the authors of an article
Inserts a layout model
Displays the footnotes created using the [[]] SPIP link
Inserts a comment in the code
Returns the URL of the current page
Recovers data about the session
Defines session variables
Stores a value, retrievable with #GET
Returns a value

Updated : 17/05/10

Translations : English, Español, français