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Ticket #220 - prefix / plugins

Créé le dimanche 27 juin 2010 par Paolo

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Mark, I am not sure whether the addition "The prefix for a plugin is the prefix that that plugin has decided to use for its SQL tables etc." is helpful here. I was going to remove it, because it is not in the French, but then I realise you had added it particularly, so I have left it as it is.

Isn’t the introduction of « plugin » out of context here ?

4 commentaires

  • prefix / plugins date forum , par Mark Baber

    Hi Paolo - the prefix was unexplained in the French original. As I understand it, the prefix is used in such a context ONLY for plugins, but if I’m wrong, then, of course, feel free to remove it. ;)

  • prefix / plugins date forum , par Gilles Vincent

    The prefix is introduced at the next article, and the complete form is detailled elsewhere.

    I think that the prefix (wich only refers to the name of a language file, in a plugin or not) shouldn’t be introduced here, but should be more explained in the other articles.

  • prefix / plugins date forum , par Paolo

    OK, I have just removed this phrase. As Gilles points out, a language file is not necessarily linked to a plugin (although it usually will be).

  • prefix / plugins date forum , par Matthieu Marcillaud

    Visiblement, vous avez corrigé le ticket. Je ferme.

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