The page cache

A second level of caching is maintained for pages requested by site visitors. These page results are saved in a series of directories named tmp/cache/0 through tmp/cache/f and each cache file has its own validity period.

These cache files are created when:

  • the validity period has expired and the page is requested anew (the period is defined in the templates using the #CACHE tag, or absent such a specific tag, through the system constant _DUREE_CACHE_DEFAUT),
  • the editorial content in the database has been changed. SPIP relies on the registered date of last modification to determine if this has happened: ($GLOBALS['meta']['derniere_modif']) as provided by the function suivre_invalideur() de ecrire/inc/invalideur.php,
  • the parameter var_mode=calcul is explicitly passed to SPIP in the URL, such as is the case when using the "Refresh this page" button on the public site when you are currently logged in.

Author Mark Baber Published :

Translations : English, français